Basic Life Support (2020 Guidelines)
Target Group:
Basic Life Support 2020 is a classroom course designed for clinicians, practitioners, and providers with healthcare backgrounds or have a duty to respond to a cardiac emergency because of job responsibilities or regulatory requirements. Examples of providers with healthcare backgrounds include but not limited to Dental Hygienists, Dentists and Dental Surgeons, Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons, Respiratory Therapists, Diagnostic Imaging Technicians, Anesthesiologists, OR Staff, RN's, LPN, Paramedics, First Responders, Firefighters, MFR's, and students enrolled in any of those professions.
BLS can be taught in the in-classroom traditional format or with the new blended learning format. Details below:

About Basic Life Support:
In March 2016, HSF BLS for HCP has changed names to just Basic Life Support. The new Basic Life Support (BLS) Course is a classroom course designed for clinicians, practitioners, and providers with healthcare back grounds or have a duty to respond to those in need of medical intervention. This is not just the old program with new information, rather an entirely new program that has been updated to include the science and education from the 2020 Guidelines that reflect CPR and ECC. It features several changes to engage the student learning experience through hands on practice, introduction of team dynamics, and chest compression fraction education and awareness. Basic Life Support also has been designed based on the recommendations of the two chain of survivals – IHCA and OHCA. This duel stream design supports in hospital personal, out of hospital personal or both. The BLS Course is new and designed to be taught in its entirety in traditional classroom setting with a four hour time frame. If you have any questions regarding changes to the BLS program, please contact Heart & Stroke Resuscitation Help line at 1-877-473-0333
The Basic Life Support Course runs approximately 4-4.5 hours depending on class size and is designed to be taught in its entirety.
(1 instructor : 6 student ratio)
NEW BLS Provider has now moved to a blended format ( e-learning at your own pace plus a skills day.) This is called BLS Blended Provider Course and teaches the same curriculum and hones the same skills as our traditional, instructor-led course – but on average, it takes less time to complete. The BLS Blended Provider Course is divided into two parts:
Part 1: Online: a self-paced, cognitive learning and assessment program with easy access to a rich array of resources, activities, learning videos, knowledge checks and an electronic exam. Once you have completed the first part of the program you will move on to the in-person portion.
Part 2: In-class: an instructor-led, classroom-based session where you will benefit from ample opportunity for hands-on skills practice, expert coaching, debriefing, team scenarios and comprehensive skills testing. In person time is roughly 2 hours depending on numbers.

Key changes in basic life support, reflecting the new science and evidence based research from the 2020 Guidelines for CPR and ECC
Cardiac arrest vs heart attack
Critical concepts of high-quality CPR
Team Dynamics
The Two Chains of Survival (TM) -IHCA, OHCA
One-rescuer CPR and AED for adult, child and infant
Two-rescuer CPR and AED for adult, child and infant
Compression fraction ratio
Differences between adult, child and infant rescue techniques
Single Rescuer Bag-valve mask techniques
Duel Rescuer Bag-valve mask techniques
Bag-valve mask techniques for adult, child and infant
Rescue breathing for adult, child and infant
Relief of choking for adult, child and infant
CPR with an advanced airway
Treatment for suspected opioid cardiac arrest
About Basic Life Support Renewal:
The HSF has a process where you can complete your BLS Renewal with traditional in class learning. There are two options to accomplish this:
(I) This BLS Renewal Process is a fast-paced course that allows the experienced BLS provider (those who are confident in their BLS skills through regular use in their work in the ED, CCU, ICU on code team, or paramedics and first responders) the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge through written and skills assessment in a concentrated program. Successful completion of this three hour course (approximate time) allows students to renew their BLS course completion card. Your BLS must be current within the last year.
(II) You can complete the HSF BLS Renewal Prerequisite Challenge in order to attend a renewal. It is an online assessment consisting of 36 randomized, multiple choice questions designed to assess your knowledge of Heart & Stroke BLS content. A score of 84% or higher will allow you to attend the BLS Renewal course. Fee is $10 payable online. You are eligible to take the BLS Prerequisite Challenge if you are a BLS provider who has:
A BLS or “healthcare provider (HCP)” completion card from another agency
An expired Heart & Stroke BLS Provider course completion card
Not taken a recent (within the past 12 months) BLS course, but you are confident in your BLS skills through regular use in your work in the ED, CCU, ICU on code team, or as a paramedic
A current Heart & Stroke BLS Provider completion card but are uncertain of your proficiency level and wish to assess your knowledge.
For more information visit on the Prerequisite Challenge visit this link: https://cpr.heartandstroke.ca/s/article/BLS-Provider-Renewal-Prerequisite-Challenge or contact the Heart & Stroke Resuscitation Help line at 1-877-473-0333
About Basic Life Support Blended Learning (New for 2022):
We recognize your time is valuable. If you are a manager or supervisor with staffing shortages, you can't have your staff off for a prolonged period of time. If you are a healthcare or first responder professional, you value your time with your family. Blended learning combines the strengths of online flexible learning and in-classroom training.
Convenient and flexible - learn most of the curriculum from anywhere, with less time spent in the classroom and less time away from work or home.
Self-pacing - learn at your own pace. Start, stop and repeat any part of the program until you have mastered the core concepts.
Achieve higher learning outcomes - come better prepared for in-person training having already mastered the theoretical concepts online.
Adaptable - caters to a wide variety of different learning styles and ability levels.
Ample practice - shifts the focus of in-classroom time from learning the content to getting answers questions, receiving coaching, working on team scenarios and honing your individual skills.
BLS Blended Provider or Renewal covers the same curriculum and teaches the same skills as the traditional instructor-led course “BLS PROVIDER” but is delivered online through self-paced learning modules.
Part 1: Online: a self-paced, cognitive learning and assessment program with easy access to a rich array of resources, activities, learning videos, knowledge checks and an electronic exam. Once you have completed the first part of the program you will move on to the in-person portion.
Part 2: In-class: an instructor-led, classroom-based session where you will benefit from ample opportunity for hands-on skills practice, expert coaching, debriefing, team scenarios and comprehensive skills testing.
Time Frame:
BLS Blended = 2 hour in class time eLearning online = self –paced
BLS Blended Renewal = 1.5 hours in class time eLearning = self-paced
For more information:
BLS PROVIDER BLENDED https://cpr.heartandstroke.ca/s/article/Course-BLS-Blended-Provider
BLS RENEWAL BLENDED https://cpr.heartandstroke.ca/s/article/Course-BLS-Blended-Provider-Renewal